All iz well that ends well !!!

April 27, 2010 at 11:21 PM 1 comment

It took me a one whole day to recover from the kind of isolation that I had imposed upon myself to prepare for the Communication research paper which had mathematics and statistics in its menu.  My room had literally turned into an isolated fortress in which I was the only human specie. I had neither called my mom nor replied to the messages of my friends.

My condition was exactly like Chandler in the box when Joey punished him or somewhat similar to that of Sanjay Dutt in the movie Zinda. My roommates probably understood my complication with the subject, so they sacrificed their Sunday movie on their Laptop, stopped playing cards nor did they invite any of their friends to the room for weekend booze. They were on their own like a dead body sleeping sometimes going out of the room.

Straining my eyes, working of stats problem, repeating the formulas again and again, trying to work on my pictographic memory, using loads of rough work sheets just to remember one thing at a time, sleep deprivation, lack of personal hygiene, concoction of bread, jam, rice, chapattis, pickle, yogurt, water, curds burger, tooth paste, dosa, tea ….wait did I just say toothpaste!!! Yeah maybe even that also, thankfully the room came with an attached wash room.

Moreover on one hand there was this hot summer and on the other the electricity departments were playing OONGLICRICKET in their office. The power was just not stable it was going on and off – on and off.

No matter how much ever Shikhari Shambhu I try to be during other time, when it came to facing statistic examination I had reduced to a mere human of flesh and bone. Isolated and all alone I must have probably looked like a crazy scientist trying to clone human from dolphin saliva.

The days passed just like a zap and now it was time to write history, at the examination I must have probably looked like a magician with 2 calculator , 2 pencil, one sharpener, a eraser one for ink and one for pencil, small and large measuring scale and on top of that a bangle to draw pie circle. Oh yeah the bangle was stolen from the gift pack of my room mate who probably brought for his girlfriend and believe me it was more difficult to steal things than buy one.

If I were a camera sensor looking at al the face of all the examinees I would probably flash “FACE NOT DETECTED” message on the display screen. Anyway I was pretty confidant to score a decent grade with the kind of effort I had put in to learn the problem.

You might understand the kind of intensity and anticipation that the student have before they receive their question paper, so I was going through all that. Every minute that acute sense of “AB TERA KYA HOGA KALIA” kind of feeling was going through my mind.

Suddenly the bell goes on, the invigilator swirls like that SHAKTI-MAN/WOMAN distributing question papers at quick  succession to every candidate. I received my paper more confidently than usual but the first look at it turned me pale – Only one sum and rest all were theory. I flipped the other side there were no sum at all!!! I wondered if the attachment paper was missing in my set of dossier, so I looked around only to find mirror like reaction from others faces.

Guys if you recollect this movie MERI JUNG of Anil Kapoor, there is a scene in the opening when his father Kirish karnad is hanged and Nutan receives the news with that expression over her a face where she neither she laughs nor she cries…..Yeah egjactly the same one, I was Nutan for that moment not knowing how to respond, I cannot recollect what I was seeing but I am pretty much sure there was this KUUUUUUUNNNNNNNNN sound going on my ear, similar to that of All India Radio when there is no transmission.

Anyways I gathered my bits and pieces once again found some familiar question and then started writing the exam like Mr. Bean reincarnated. Could not believe but as my own AS I said to myself “Gosh I hope there were few from statistics” I dunno wheather I had to be happy or sad. Obviously this was a semester “TEST” in its truest sense. After the exams I could witness some sights and sounds post examination from all quarters, loitered for some time before leaving to PG.

The sacrifice of roommates was in drains and I had no commonsensical explanation and a slight signal of attitude on my part would definitely invite some broken bones. So going by the principles of MIRINDA – Zor ka jatka thing I decided to host them for a dinner and then break the news.

At the dinner they were drunk and I knew the time was right to telltale. I don’t know wheather it was the alcohol or….. they really pretended as though they understood my situation and said it was alright.  After all this it was early morning 1.30 AM when we reached the PG.

Entry filed under: Uncategorized.

Days of our lives !!! One thing about Delhi………

1 Comment Add your own

  • 1. V  |  December 16, 2010 at 10:59 AM

    Nice, intriguing entries! =)

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